Hello... my name is Miles but to you i am "Wayne" (or "Boney" if you'd like to be less casual). You're also fine to just refer to me by any users/handles i have. He/him for me, thanks. While writing this i am 21 years old but i'm most likely going to forget to change that as i age. If i do then please assume i am 21 forever.

I like to play video games, draw, watch only certain animes, read wikipedia, spend money on stuff i dont need, leave my fan on for three days straight, pet my cat, look at characters i like, drink water, drink soda, dye my hair, and loads of other things.
this site is currently a huge WIP. as of now it resembles my old site only less cool. I plan on leaving the font as is since I find it easier to read than the one i had on my old site.

Chat Box: A.K.A. my "silliebox"... add a comment, tell me about your day, leave a suggestion... do whatever you want just be nice about it OK.